Session 1 - Det. Daryl Sims, Special Victims: How We Approach Victims
04/13/2021 09:00:AM - 04/13/2021 10:30:AM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 2a - Roger Canaff, The Role of the Institution in Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
04/13/2021 10:45:AM - 04/13/2021 12:15:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 2b - Scott Snider, What Every New Interviewer Should Know
04/13/2021 10:45:AM - 04/13/2021 12:15:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 2c - Jane Straub, Creating Trauma Informed Spaces for Victims & Families throughout the Justice System
04/13/2021 10:45:AM - 04/13/2021 12:15:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 2d - Dr. Channing Petrak, Medical Exams for Sexual Abuse: What Do You Need to Know?
04/13/2021 10:45:AM - 04/13/2021 12:15:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 3a - Roger Canaff, Why Grooming Matters the Importance of Documenting the Premeditation of the Abuser
04/13/2021 01:15:PM - 04/13/2021 02:45:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 3b - Scott Snider, Improving Question Framework in Child Forensic Interviews
04/13/2021 01:15:PM - 04/13/2021 02:45:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 3c - Jane Straub, Parenting After a Child Abuse Disclosure: How to Support the Caregivers to Best Support the Child
04/13/2021 01:15:PM - 04/13/2021 02:45:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 3d - Dr. Howard Dubowitz, Neglected Children: Controversies and Challenges
04/13/2021 01:15:PM - 04/13/2021 02:45:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 4a - Roger Canaff, Abuse and Neglect of Children of Disabilities
04/13/2021 03:00:PM - 04/13/2021 04:30:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 4b - Scott Snider, Taking AIM: Advanced Interview Mapping for Child Interviewers
04/13/2021 03:00:PM - 04/13/2021 04:30:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 4c - Tanisha Knighton, The Juxtaposition of Silence, Sexual Violence, and Youth of Color
04/13/2021 03:00:PM - 04/13/2021 04:30:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 4d - Dr. Howard Dubowitz, From Punishment to Discipline
04/13/2021 03:00:PM - 04/13/2021 04:30:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 1 - Al Killen-Harvey, Welcoming LGBTQ+ Youth into Our Work
04/14/2021 09:00:AM - 04/14/2021 09:00:AM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 2a - Meagan Clark & Tiffany Henderson, Child Sex Trafficking: National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Data, Response & Resources
04/14/2021 10:45:AM - 04/14/2021 12:15:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 2b - Al Killen-Harvey, Secondary Traumatic Stress: An Occupational Hazard or a Preventable One?
04/14/2021 10:45:AM - 04/14/2021 12:15:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 2c - Carol Morris, Not. Just. PIctures.
04/14/2021 10:45:AM - 04/14/2021 10:45:AM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 3a - Tina Bigdeli, Preventing Child Victims from Producing their Own Explicit Imagery: Adopting New Approaches Based on a Developmental Psychology and Public Health Messaging Principals
04/14/2021 01:15:PM - 04/14/2021 02:45:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 3b - Laura Gapske, Forensic Interviewing Children in the Shadow of Domestic Violence within a Coordinated Team Response
04/14/2021 01:15:PM - 04/14/2021 02:45:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 3c - Al Killen-Harvey, Sexual Health Conversations as an Essential Ally in Trauma Treatment
04/14/2021 01:15:PM - 04/14/2021 02:45:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 3d - Will Laird & Natalie Phelps Finnie, Legislative Advocacy, Unraveling the Mystery
04/14/2021 01:15:PM - 04/14/2021 02:45:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 4a - Sheryl Stokes, Family-Based Interventions: Resources of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
04/14/2021 03:00:PM - 04/14/2021 04:30:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 4b - Laura Gapske, Elicit and Identify Protective Factors in Domestic Violence Cases Within the Forensic Interview
04/14/2021 03:00:PM - 04/14/2021 04:30:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 4c - Melissa Box, Understanding Sexual Behaviors in Children
04/14/2021 03:00:PM - 04/14/2021 04:30:PM Max Attendee Count: 500
Session 4d - Betsy Goulet & Amy Wheeler, Alliance for Experiential Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
04/14/2021 03:00:PM - 04/14/2021 04:30:PM Max Attendee Count: 500